The dual action of needles and the topical application of Chinese herbs help stimulate blood circulation, improve facial color and even out skin irregularities while providing a sense of well being.
Am I a good candidate for facial rejuvenation?
Please make an appointment to come in for a free 15-minute consultation to determine if you are a good candidate.
If any of the following do NOT apply to you, then you may be a good candidate for facial rejuvenation:
• Frequent and recurring migraines
• Seizure disorder
• Uncontrolled hypertension
• Blood thinning Medication
• Pregnancy
• Smoking
• Extreme sun damage
• Cosmetic Surgery or Botox injections less than 6 months
• Laser resurfacing less than 4 weeks.
How long is the treatment?
Constitutional Facial Acupuncture involves the patient in an organic process, in which a series of treatments is necessary to achieve maximal effect and where a treatment builds on the last.
After an initial session, the practitioner evaluates the patient's response, and then can determine the number of follow-up visits that will be required.
After this evaluation, and taking into consideration other variables such as: Stress, Diet, Lifestyle, Genetic Inheritance, proper Digestion and Elimination, Sleep, Emotional Balance, and Age, the following durations of treatment are customarily recommended:
- 10-12 treatments once a week for 60-75 minutes.
Maintenance Treatments:
Within the normal parameters of aging, the completion of a series of treatments should be effective. To ensure the persistence of the results, ongoing maintenance treatments are recommended:
- Every 2 weeks for 2 months following the completion of a treatment series
- Once a month or as needed thereafter
After the first treatment, one usually observes an increased glow to the complexion and one feels and looks "well rested".
A significant difference in appearance can be ascertained between the 5th and 7th treatment.
Lasting changes usually occur after 10-12 treatments.
Constitutional Facial Acupuncture is non-invasive, less costly than surgical procedures, less toxic than medication and draws upon the ancient Chinese wisdom related to longevity, beauty and balance.